its good. its mario. and he brought some friends

User Rating: 8.8 | Super Mario 64 DS DS
First, I should get out of the way that if you despise the little plumber known as Mario, you should still check this out. The graphics are really quite amazing. I mean it's like you took your N64 and shoved it into a little handheld system. The graphics are just like the original. Though there are still a lot of bugs such as when Mario's hand slips through the wall, but that still happens in some newer games like GTA. I wouldn't be suprised if they had taken the original and just reduced the file size. Actually no
it looks to good to be the original.

The controls are very versitile. One way to control our little friends is to place the stylus on the touch screen and use the target shown as a little analog stick. With this method you can set it so that either the d-pad or the A,B,Y, and X buttons can be used to jump, punch, kick, etc. Another method is to simply use the d-pad to move. Then you can use the A,B,Y, and X buttons to control jumping, attacking, camera view (L is also used), and running. I find the latter of the methods to be more useful. The sound is crisp, clear and enjoyable. What else is there The storyline I think, although along the same lines as the N64 version, is much more engaging and complicated. I like complicated. Gameplay is awesome in this game. It is much like the original, but there are many good differences. For one, there are 3 new characters to play with. They are Luigi (the man in green), Yoshi (the green and red dinosaur), and Wario ( the big tub-o-lard in yellow).There are more stars. In fact, there are 30 more! And finally, there are less bloody hats to collect
(thank you god). This game has been at the top of my list of games to beat. Just about every aspect of the game rocked out loud. It was fun. Just plain fun.