Classic games never die...

User Rating: 8.6 | Super Mario 64 DS DS
And this is one of them. When we thought that the original Mario 64 on the N64 couldn't get any better, it comes back with LOADS of extras, making this not just a remake, but almost a new game for itself!

The graphics are COMPLETELY different, with new 3D models for the characters, and refreshed textures for the maps.

The sound stays the same, which didn't needed to be changed...

Gameplay is a little bit affected because of the lack of an analog stick on the DS... but there are some times when you THANK for it... the touch screen is a lot more precise, to go through narrow passages, such as small bridges, and stuff like that.

And there's more... As you go through the game, you will be able to unlock more and more mini-games, making a total of... ehm...

*turns on the DS, to count them...*

... 9 mini-games per character... 4 characters... This makes 36 mini-games to unlock... Too bad some of the games kinda look like each other... But hey, they're still fun to play, if you get tired of the main adventure mode... I spend HOURS playing in the Luigi Poker... lol