Not as good as the original. Still a good game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Super Mario 64 DS DS
As far as fun, addictin, and a great ressurection of an old N64 game, this game is simply amazing! It has mini-games (Best mini-games Nintendo has ever made!!!), some new levels, and you can play as Wario, Yoshi, Mario, and Luigi. The learning curve however, does total up to about an hour; it never explains the controls; ever! This is a struggle, since at the very begining you are alerted (As Yoshi) That the other three Mario friends have gone missing. As you eagerly begin your adventure into the castle you recieve more bad news... a rabbit has stolen the keys to the castle, so now you must go on a (difficult) cat and mouse chase, not knowing the controls (or that you must use your tounge action to make him surender) (don't ask). If you want to ever relive the chase (yay!) Nintendo always leaves some bunnies that have mini-game keys in them. Once your past the learning curve however, this game goes back to fairly positive, (other then the underwater levels, another learning curve on how to swim). I would like to point out now, if your the type of person (like me) who simply loves when all the controls on a game are used by only the stylus, you'll be disappointed. If your left handed you clearly have an advantage with the controls, of course, if you don't use the stylus at all, the controls are fine.


In some levels your required to run instantly, creep slowly, or walk with presice movements. Unfortunately, Running cammands don't start instantly, it is very difficult to creep, and precise movements are half-impossable running, walking, or creeping!

Now onto multiplayer:

(I have yet to find a parter to actially try multiplayer, but the game lets you play multi by yourself!) It seems like a great idea, and really seems like fun, yet thats all I can say, as I have yet to find a parter to actially try multi.