Super Mario 64, a instant classic, or a waste of time and money?
Graphics: Some of the best graphics ever on the N64, all characters are very detialed, every realm looks stunning, with each one being unique, absolutely everything in this game looks fantastic.
Sound: Nice sound, although could be a bit clearer, but great overall for a N64 game.
Gameplay: Where to start, hmmmm.... okay basicly you contol Mario and you can walk, run, jump, swim, climb, fly and lots more. There are 120 stars to collect and you must master all of those things to complete the game.
Fighting Bowser is so fun, but can also be frustrating. Although this game is rated G, so it is suitable for people of any age, younger children may be frustrated with the games sometimes... hardness and the sometimes frustrating camera. But all the things you can do in this materpiece will keep you coming back for more.
Lasting Appeal: 120 Stars to collect, in lots of icredibly fun realms and the gameplay is enough for you to treasure this game forever.
Presentation: 9.5
Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 9.0
Gameplay: 9.5
Lasting Appeal: 10
Overall: 9.5