My first game on the DS. The name "Mario" did the trick... I had to buy it. Nice-fun game but I was excpecting more...

User Rating: 8.1 | Super Mario 64 DS DS
The idea of 3D movement is appealing, but personally I got tired with it very soon. You see I prefer platform games (In that case you can say: "So, why, did you buy it?") as Marioland 1 or Marioland 2. I can say that I still prefer playing those 2 old games in my Old-school original Gameboy than the "Super Mario 64". Don't get me wrong... I guess I am an old fashion guy :)

The game is good. It has funny moments. And you enjoy playing with it...
but not as much as playing with the "All time favorite Mario platform style game"...

All I want to say is: I can't wait for "New Super Mario" to be releashed :-)