One of the greatest platform games of all time.

User Rating: 9.4 | Super Mario 64 N64
Oh yeah, Super Mario 64. What more can I say but, this is the one of the best? I mean, what do more do you want from Mario? You want him to clean sludge off the ground with a water squirter....Oh yeah he does now. Anyway, Mario 64 is by far the my favorite Mario game of all time. It takes a good bit of time to beat it, and it's fun the whole time. And picking Bowser up by the tail and swinging him around only to blow him up? Classic. The only thing I can possibly think of would be that the camera sometimes can go all rertarded on you. But that's no excuse for not liking this amazzing game.Everyone that owns a Nintendo 64 should have this game. And everyone should have played this game at least once.