God game. If god had one game, this would be it.
About as good as you get in gaming. Simple storyline so you dont have to play it all in one chug and be as one with it, but trust me, as soon as you pick it up and you first appear in in the world, you will be hooked.
About as good as music gets-better than much music in recent games, and more catchier than the original (yes it is possible) the music is simply stellar.
The graphics arent great. granted. but realise it is ages old, and while it is in 2D it still looks perfect. Graphics like this dont truly age. A simply beautiful game
Brilliant gameplay. with multiple varied worlds the game never gets boring (and the giant level is SUPERB) but even better when you find the secret areas, levels and games.
This is truly a gaming god, amongst ocarina of time, goldeneye, starcraft, FF7, and the likes it sits quite happily and smugly in its gaming throne shouting "come on, beat me, i dare you" at all the platforms that have tried to be, failed, and slumped back to thier creators, bless them.
In short, weather on NES, SNES, GBA, GBASP, DS or cube (via gameboy player)
over and out