you shall love this game

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Collection SNES
this game rocks so much it aint funny this is a the best game coolection in history dude.

lets start reviewing graphics: its updated to the 16 bit era it even made the gameplay fit the controlller to this day this game never gets boring even the lost world is still hard

gameplay: a perferct addaption to the nes to SNES which is still gets a 10 out of 10 man even to the speacil suits in SMBS3 so this is one of the bes SNEs games ever created

Sound: the beeps and bops still hold up to its oringnal carts and they havent change since so this game is awesome
so i did this review for NES Week
final thought: buy this if you can find it is one of those never ending gameplat time kinda thing six games in one and they are some of the best games ever created so you must buy this because i tell you to