There is only one word that I can use to give this game proper credit..... Perfection.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
This game is perfection in video game form in every way. Now with younger generations looking back they may laugh and find the game a tad goofy but what this game did for not only the industry but society has never been equaled by any. Mario has been able to take the leap from our controllers to our movie screens and televisions (with a cartoon series) influencing the modern culture and media in some cases. I feel sorry for those out their who take this gaming era for granted and have never played Super Mario 3. For those of you that haven't played it please try and play it in some way. If you have to go out and buy a NES do it. I know several sites where you can get a NES/SNES in the same console. If you want more information on these sites send me a message I have no problem with giving you them and even telling you some places you could check to find one.