The best Mario action game ever.

User Rating: 9.7 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
Gameplay: Mario returned to his old gameplay formula that was in Super Mario Bros. in 1989 with Super Mario Bros. 3 ( Super Mario Bros. 2 had different style and features then these two games) and Nintendo saved the best for last in the Super Mario Bros. series. This game features world warping, items to use, and brand new challenging stages. What made Super Mario Bros. 3 so much fun was its introduction of new elements for future Mario games, such as maps, morphing, and silly elements that was enjoyable. Super Mario Bros. 3 is so great, its one of the best selling and most popular NES games of all time. Old School gamers, like myself, remember when this game was the number 1 game around for the next few years. No Action, Platformer, or 2D game fan should miss out on this game. It's incredible! Graphics: Yes, we're dealing with low quality use of sprites and color, but this is an amazing looking NES game that pushed the color and sprites to its limits on the NES hardware. So the game actually looks pretty good even today for a 2D game. There could have been more colors for the game, but like I said, the NES was pushed to its limits for Super Mario Bros. 3, and Nintendo did the best they could to make the game perfect. But graphics aren't the most important thing in video games you know. So the game doesn't have to be criticized for its weak graphics compared to Game Boy Advance games. Sound: The music is extremely memorable. There are so many songs in this game that get reused in some Mario games, such as Super Smash Bros. Melee, Paper Mario, Paper Mario: Thousand-Year Door, and many more games. The sound chip in the NES is a push up, since there's more beats and interments used for Super Mario Bros. 3, then Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2 featured. So, Super Mario Bros. 3 has a strong musical experience. Conclusion: I played this game a lot when I was a child, and I still enjoy it at times today. The game is just hard to get rid of after playing it all these years. There may now be stuff thats better then this game, but I don't care, because I still keep in touch with my past. Super Mario Bros. 3 was part of my past, therefore, I respect it. New gamers would do well to pick this game up if they have an NES. Super Mario Bros. 3 is a thrilling experience.