Definately best SMB game. Makes it into the top three mario games of all time, but clearly is the best NES title.
User Rating: 9.8 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
SMB3 was definitely a much needed revival from its prequel, SMB2. It took them a while, but they finally mastered the NES's full capabilities with this game. The game seems a lot like the first SMB but after about 30 seconds you will see the major differences. As soon as you start the game (you're a 9 year old kid who got this brand new for his birthday in 1990) you will be totally knocked about by the graphics. Then you'll see something brand new to video gaming... a level map. For the first time ever, players can see the level's to come, and go back and play already beaten levels. It's like nothing the NES has ever delivered before. The game also includes lots more moves, more objects, more level styles, more Mario-transformations the list goes on. It delivers revolutionary multiplayer modes that no game could match for years. It now delivers more sounds and yet another remembered soundtrack. Clearly one of the best mario games, and certainly the best title for the NES.