It just is the game to go with.
Music:the classic tunes we all know and love. All quite catchy.10
Graphics:we all know that they can't be perfect (it a gbc for cryin out loud). The only flaw is the fact that you have to deal with hitting the up or down arrow to show the tob or bottom portion of the screen. 9
Playability: anyone can pick this up and enjoy it to a high degree. 10
Difficulty: it will be easy for mario fans who have already played through the original on the nes (god bless your souls) to beat this in a day(it took me 2). but people who haven't will be playing on and off for a week.10
Features: 3 modes of play are offered. There's the original the challenge and the vs (boo races). the original is the 1985 super mario from the nes. All the old things are there (fireworks, ect.) and every pixel remains. in challenge you go through levels trying to collect 5 red coins. you can play a level if you defeated it in the original mode. the boo races are you racing against boo. plus theres a toy box for some added excitement.10
10+10+10+10+9=49 49/5=9.8 so there you go one of the greatest games for the gbc.