the one that started it all...

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. NES
ah where to begin.. super mario bros. is one of those games that really got video games where they are today and with literally hundreds of spin offs and sequels its hard to pick the best, but if there is one person thats never played a mario game i recommend this great NES classic. now the review:

graphics-for the time graphics didn't matter and for today there similar to the Gameboy graphics witch arn't that bad-3.5/5

music-the music for super mario bros. is some of the most original and memorable pieces in gameing history-5/5
gameplay-a scroller with plenty of secrets and "fixed" glitches that allow the player to easily skip worlds and levels if you know where they are. overall these power ups and bosses all point twords one great game.
story-An italian plumber and his brother go off on a journey to save a princess from a giant turtle thing,known as a koopa, named bowser?
yeah this game isnt heavey on story but what story thats there has revolutionised our world with a classic tale-4/5,the game-4.5/5