Donkey Kong on Arcade was terrific but didn't really show me what Nintendo really was capable of. But I found out what was so great about Nintendo after having a blast with Super Mario Bros. on NES. A masterpiece that started the greatest of platformers. A masterpiece that is the among the greatest platformers of all time, yet some people are even hailing this game as the best game of all time. Now let's see what's so great about this stomping smash hit. GAMEPLAY- Perfect as hell. Stomping on goombas never gets old. It never does. The fireball ability is pretty sweet. The boss fights are fun to encounter. It may be the same character to go up against. But you get kick some @$$. How can you hate kickin @$$? GRAPHICS- It may not be brilliant or impressive but for its time of release, the graphics were prett superb. This is a old game, what do you honestly execpt? The effects in this game look good. Impressive or not, this is graphically great for the NES.
SOUND- Classical Music. That is... if there is music... because when I was playing this game, I could hear no music. But there is music. I heard it, and it sounds quite impressive. CLOSING COMMENTS- How can you not like this NES masterpiece. If you hate this game, then you're not a true platformer fan. Give this awesome game a shot. This is a brilliant game.
Perfection comes in many shapes, sizes and ideas. Sometimes, it doesn't take much to attain the height of perfection. You can even attribute perfection to being at the right place at the right time. Shigeru Miyamoto... Read Full Review
A game that started a revolution. A game that defined the 2D Platformer. A game that still has legions of fans today. That Super Mario Bros. I first played this game seven years ago and it stuck with me all ... Read Full Review