One of the best video games ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. NES
This game takes me back to the time I was introduced to video games. It was one of the first I ever played... it compelled me to ask a shopping mall Santa for a Nintendo. Though he may have brought me SNES instead (to my eventual delight), I still got plenty of sit-in time with this classic, and playing it again brings it all back.

What can be said? Everything about this game is classic. The characters, the levels, the music, the controls. It is a must-play game for anyone who considers themselves an enthusiast. It is as much a history piece as it is a game.

This game reminds me of the time when Mario games were actually good.

For $5, it's a steal for those with no other means of access to the game. It should be among your first VC considerations... hands down.

If you like it, I also recommend trying some of the other classic Mario games. Even to this day, they stand much taller than many of his more recent outings... remember when Mario was a plumber and not a celebrity?

Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) - Though this really wasn't a true Mario game (it was turned into one at the last second), it still has some great levels and is very different from the others in terms of gameplay. A lot of the non-Mario characters in this game were later adopted into the Mario world... famous ones like Shy Guy and Birdo.

Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) - The other great NES Mario game. With a wealth of new powerups, the overworld map, tons of levels, and the classic battle mode, this game just oozes with appeal.

Super Mario World (SNES) - IMO the greatest Mario game, and one of the best games in history. Literally tons of levels and enemies, and hundreds of secrets.

New Super Mario Bros. (NDS) - This game suprised me with how good it was. Finally, a Mario game that centered around the gameplay that made it so great... without a great design overhaul, reliance on 3D or basketball gocart racing.