Blast to the PAST! Great game!

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Bros. NES
OK who can forget about Super Mario Brothers One of the classics. This is one of those games where you go around jumping on people or should i say Turtles. At the end of each level you jump on a flagpole and the higher you get, the more points you get.

This again is a very good game and nothing can replace it. They have many sequels to this original if you don't have a Super Nintendo. You can buy NEW Super Mario Bros. (But still can't beat the original) .You may also Buy IT on the WII. You also have Super Smash Bro. on WII with a free trial of all kinds of games and this is one of them.They also have Mario 64 , Super Mario 2, 3, and 2 the lost levels.Now this is one of the starters of main gaming.

You wont believe how good this game is even if this game is over 20 years(WOW) old.If you have not played this game you must of been either in a coma or under a ROCK!