how could they make Super Mario Galaxy better, simple, add YOSHI!
User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy 2 WII
This game is by far the funniest Mario Game to date. I loved Super Mario Galaxy, and I was entertained from start to finish. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is no different; in fact, it surpasses the original in more then one way, but the most memorable is a green little dinosaur named Yoshi. The platforming is just as fun and lovable as Super Mario Galaxy, and the new upgrades for the portly plumber add even more context to this solid game. With the original four upgrades (bee, ghost, and spring mushrooms, and the fire flower), there have been three additions to the mix. A Rock mushroom, cloud flower, and a drill (which is more of an accessory then an upgrade). With these new tools you travel though the universe in search of your star buddies that were taken by Bowser. The idea behind the plot is very similar to Super Mario Galaxy, but it is taken in a fresh new way. You now have your own spaceship rather then hitching a ride on Rosalia's ship. The way you use your space ship improved the method of transporting from galaxy to galaxy, and made it easier to chose which level you wanted to take on. One little trick I liked about the personal space ship was that you were able to stock up on green mushrooms when you first started. They were easier to get to and you did not need to spend 30 minutes walking around the star ship to gear up for a couple levels. These additions, while small, improve the game over all and make it move along smoothly. Its not really notable, but it does improve the game greatly. Another addition to the game, and by far the most entertaining, was Yoshi! the cute little dinosaur makes his debut into a 3D environment very well, and adds a lot of entertainment and useful game mechanics. First thing to note, is that i found him to be quite comical. when he was flailing his arms from eating a hot pepper (which also makes him run fast), or covering his mouth to prevent the air from escaping, he was constantly bringing a smile to my face. the use of Yoshi is also very clever, and he adds a lot of interesting game mechanics to the SM galaxy platform. I found the levels in which Yoshi was available to be the ones i enjoyed the most.
over all the game is strong, and very entertaining. I found it a little taxing to play it with 2 people, as the second player does not get to do a whole lot. they increased the amount of things the second player can do compared to SM galaxy, but not by enough for me to force a friend to sit there and watch me have fun. other then that, the game is enjoyable to no end, and brings all the things we have grown to love about Mario into our homes once again.
thanks Nintendo!