Super Mario Galaxy 2 continues the excitement of Mario in his latest adventure!
Graphics: Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are superb in the graphics department. Visuals are bright and colorful. Characters are simple and easy to recognize, and the whole worlds are alive, vibrant, and unique in their own way. This makes me wish for an HD Mario experience someday.
Gameplay: Mario games boil down to two mechanics in all the successful games he has made: precise controls and wonderful stages. Mario has it down to a science now as the galaxies are the game. The Galaxies are the reason this game is so unique, with creative uses of themes, power ups, and challenges. Sometimes, in certain favorite galaxies, one wishes that there is more to be seen and done. The precise controls bring it all together, even the motion controls, and that does wonders to make the whole thing even better.
Sound: Each world is alive. Everything makes sounds, Soundtrack is great, and nothing grates on the nerves.
Difficulty: Mario, despite all his casual looks, is the hardest of the hardcore. Stages get difficult as precise jumps and manuevers are required. Makes the game extremely fun, but can wear down the fun for the less skilled. Luckily, the game is generous on 1 ups. Unluckily, each time you start the game, you only get 5 lives, so you don't keep the extra bonus.
Graphics: 9
Gameplay: 10
Sound: 10
Difficulty: 9
Overall: 9.5 (it is kinda on the short side though)