Almost there, so close to 10/10! This game delivers everything in SMG 1 and takes it to the next level!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy 2 WII
You know what Mario is about, Bowser kidnaps the princess, and you have to save her.
This time Bowser puts some kind of evil spell on himself, making him HUGE, don't worry because that wont make him MUCH harder, just a little bit.
The story ain't much to have, but Mario has never really been about the story.

So in this sequel to the already amazing first game it takes everything good about Mario and takes it to a completely new level, raising the bar for all games today and totally dazzles everyone!
The graphics aren't changed alot, but they still amazes and is brighter and more colorful than ever which is perfect!
As i said the story is pretty much ignorable, since it hasen't been changed a bit since Mario 64.
There are collectables in this game, and lots of 'em, coins which untill this game were pretty much worthless, but now they don't only when you get 100 of them give you an extra life, but you can also feed them to cute little Lumas which then turns into new galaxies for you to explore, there are also Star-bits which are used for, well pretty much the same thing, then there is the most important of them all, the Stars, these are fuel for your spaceship (Yes you have a spaceship, I'll go into it later.) and without them you cannot proceed further towards Bowser.
There are lots of new power-ups in this game also, the bee is back (Unfortunatly) which turns you into a bee that can fly short distances, but can't stand water, there is the brand new Cloud Mushroom, which lets you create clouds whenever and whereever you want and lets you reach before unreachable places, ofcourse there is also the Rock mushroom which lets you turn into a boulder smashing everything in your way!
I'm not gonna give away any more of the NEW power-ups but i can tell you that the Invincibilty Star is back, guess what it does...
There is also the classic fire mushroom which lets you throw fireballs at your foes, but I haven't spotted the Frost mushroom yet, which is a real pity.

There is a new map system in this game which some hates and some loves, it is almost identical to the one in Mario Bros. it lets you scroll around the worlds in a, well it's hard to describe, you can see it on Google or Youtube so anyway, I think this is better than the old galaxy choosing from the first Galaxy game which you can read more about in my review of that game which i will write soon if it's not already out yet!

The galaxies are much more varied in this game, there is no way I can describe them all, there is a water galaxy, there is... I can't explain them all to you, you'll just have to see for yourselves, so the worlds are colorful, creative and above all else: very varied and unique.

Oh and I almost forgot, there is more, in this brand new exiting game you can also play as:
Drumwhirl please.
Luigi and Mario/Luigi can also ride Yoshi with unique abilities for example, suck enemies in with HER tounge (Yes I said HER, because SHE is a GIRL)
and sometimes shoot them back too!

The mail system from SMG 1 is also back, Peach and other people including people from other savefiles sends you mail the others I will not mention so I don't ruin Your gaming experience and these usually contain a little text and either a challenge or some 1-ups (Extra lives) and they can even ask you for help!

In this game the Toads are as always back, but for once, not worthless, they help by giving you directions, giving you 1-ups or even acting like cowards and hiding...
Everything and everyone has a personality in this game, Luigi is the brother who for once gets to do anything, the cowardly Toads which i just breifly told you about, and the really hungry Lumas, everything is different, which also adds to the fun-factor of the game.

And the music is pure magic in this game, it is just perfect! The music is so perfect that you can hear or read about it in almost every review on the planet!

There is so much more about this game, but I simply do not have the time to write anymore so here it is: the verdict:

Graphics 9.7/10 Mushrooms
Story 8/10 (Well, they didn't aim for the story, and the story is pretty cool and original (No it's not original in that way, ofcourse it's been used a hundred billion times, but that's the idea.))
Music 10/10
Characters 9.6/10
Levels 10/10
Game length 10/10 (Perfect length, not very long, but if You are a hardcore gamer you could go for all the secret stars and galaxies.)

Upgraded game with new power-ups, characters, enemies, creative and colorful planets, better map system, everything is better in this game and all of this makes it THE BEST MARIO GAME EVER!

Final score 9.5 - Superb!