Must-have Wii game
However, the one draw from this game is that it is REALLY easy. When I say easy, I mean so easy, that you can start with 5 lives, and end up with upwards of 30 or even 40 by the end of the game. There really isn't too much of a penalty for dying, considering you can just leave, grab an extra life and do it again. If they had bumped up the difficulty, this might have been a 10 for me.
They do a decent job with replay-ability. You need 60 stars to beat the game, but you can get a total of around 240 (120 with Mario and 120 as Luigi) throughout the entire game. Luigi doesn't handle much different from Mario, except that he slides a lot more when running and he jumps higher. It adds a little replay-ability, but after a while, you just feel like you're playing the same game again.
Now for the graphics. They were fantastic, considering that this is the Wii and not the PS3. The opening scene looks about as realistic as it possibly can considering that this is a game with a giant talking turtle. Nice lighting and textures, which really stand out during the cutscenes, although during gameplay it doesn't look quite as nice, but still really good. I personally think that Twilight Princess had better graphics, but that has humans in it, not a cartoonish Mario figure.
Gameplay: 10
Replay-ability: 7
Graphics: 9
Overall (Not an average): 9