Its a great game, I just wish it was more challenging and the levels weren't so linear.

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Apparently I'm one of the few people who like super mario 64 and super mario sunshine more than super mario galaxy. I don't know maybe its just the nostalgia maybe if I played super mario galaxy when I was younger I would have enjoyed it more, well anyways onto the review. Here's what I liked about the game, the graphics are probably the best on the wii, the music is terrific and almost all of it is orchestrated, the boss fights were pretty cool, and most of the new power-ups were also pretty cool. Here's what I disliked about the game, its way too easy I rarely ever died or got hit by an enemy, because of the easiness I got through the levels very quickly which took away a lot of their memorability. Okay I have one last criticism the levels were linear, if you don't know what i'll explain, in super mario 64 and in sunshine you're planted in the level and you have to explore the area to find the stars, in super mario galaxy you just follow a path to the star, this really made the game less fun for me. In conclusion its a great game, I can see why its so critically acclaimed, it just didn't meet my expectations. Thank you for reading my review.