Super Mario Galaxy has fun and innovating gameplay however it is extremely easy with no real challenge involved.

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
This game is a good sequel to the earlier counterparts and introduces some fun upgrades and new way of doing things. I am a little disappointed that they took a step back from multiplayer capabilities, only allowing the other person to pick up and shoot star bits. It is also very easy, I never felt challenged through the whole game, I only died a few times in the game, and even the final fight with bowser didn't offer a challenge.

The graphics look very nice and compliment the Mario world very well. They are not ultra realistic and I wouldn't want them to be in a Mario game. But the whole game looks very nice with only a couple revealing faults in the cinematics but you can easily overlook those with how great everything else in the game looks.

Very smooth and easy to use for the most part. The did not introduce any complicated motions that you had to memorize in order to play the game well. It became a little annoying though when the camera would flip around you when you are trying to run straight and you end up trying to compensate for the camera.

The levels are either to simple and straightforward or they are not straightforward enough. I was hoping they would leave in a bit more room with exploration in this game and leave the gameplay a bit more open with what you can do, but because you see so many good things in the game already it does allow you to forget about the fact that you don't have more places to explore. But like I said before, it is all just far to easy for my taste.

SOUND: 8.5
You can tell they spent a good amount of time implementing the sounds in the game and it has paid off. It is a great treat to hear the new sounds they have chosen for this game alongside some of the old recognizable sounds from previous games. My only real complaint here is that I didn't feel like the music was supporting the faster paced part of the games, or even the slower parts. I never really felt like the music they chose was correct for the pace.

STORY: 9.0
Of course the story starts off this the princess being kidnapped my bowser but while you are trying to find her another story is unraveled about the girl who is helping you find her which I think really helped out the game.

This is one of my biggest disappointments in the game. I was hoping that the second player could be Luigi and play in turns as you could in either Mario 1 or 2. But instead the second player could only point the Wii-mote at the screen to pick up and shoot star bits. Which is something that the first player can do very easily on his own anyway.