A true masterpiece that brings Mario back into our hearts.
You play as Mario who has received a message from Princess Peach that she wants to give you something during a festival. Sadly Bowser enters and literally lifting the Mushroom Castle from the ground and blasting Mario into space. He awakes and soon find Rosalina, a Peach look-a-like, who wants you to find the great stars to fuel her spaceship and find Bowser. While the story is not that deep, it is still pretty good. I mean do we really need a story for a Mario game?
You are then set off to different galaxies, each with their own puzzles and areas, to find the stars needed to power up your ship. The levels are spectacular. I mean the galaxies are so creative and look so gorgeous that I fell in love with the game by just looking at the graphics. Space couldn't look more beautiful. Every so often you will be able to open up a question mark box which will open up a mini-game to get a star. The music in these levels are fantastic. Not only the mini-games but the overall game has amazing music. The boss fights are cool but mainly a little easy to defeat.
The gameplay in Super Mario Galaxy is fantastic. You play with both the nunchuck and the Wii remote. You can aim your remote to pick up or shoot "starbits" which are basically the replacments of the coins (even though coins are also seen in the game). Starbits do not replenish your health but can be used to stun your enemies. Also by shaking your Wii remote, you can do a spin move that will either kill your enemy or make them spin on their heads where you can just run into them to kick them into the air (or space). You only need 60 stars to beat the game, and the game is a little too easy for my taste but still very entertaining.
OVERALL: Super Mario Galaxy is one of the best games ever made and a must have for everyone that has a Wii console. It was a pleasure to see Mario in 3D and a true experience to fly across the universe with him. Super Mario Galaxy might be a little short and the camera might be stuck in a wall but not enough for you to really get upset. It rarely occurs. It receives my highest recommendation as Super Mario Galaxy is a masterpiece.