A revolutionary masterpiece (yes it is better than Super Mario 64)
Graphics: Let's get this out of the way first, Galaxy is the best looking Wii game ever. Nintendo just seems to get more out of their little white rectangle than anybody else. It's not because it's pumping out 120 polygons per second either, the superb art direction is what makes it such a marvel to look at.
Sound: The hits keep coming with sound as well. This game has absolutely the best in orchestrated music with songs that will stay in your head even when you shelf the game for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Gameplay: When you buy a game where it is just fun to run around, it is truly well done. Of course it always helps when your running around on the walls, ceiling and more. I will admit, the 2P co-star mode seems tacked on but it can be a Godsend in certain missions. cough*bubble breeze*cough.
Camera: Ahh the bane of 3D games, that annoying camera that you have to control more than your character. Luckily, the camera in Galaxy works with you, not against you. I'm not saying that it wont go rouge on you from time to time, and the control pad feature doesn't help much, but it is pretty good overall.
Control: Nintendo made a smart move choosing the remote and nunchuk control scheme and for the most part it is pulled of brilliantly. Within about 5 minutes you'll be triple jumping, butt stomping and backflipping like nobodies buisness. The shake-to-spin mechanic handles very well unlike motion controls in Nintendo character's debut Wii game.
Overall this is the recommended game for all Wii gamers to pick up and play, it has everything except a decent 2P mode, but when the single player is this good, who cares! And finally, time flys like an arrow, fruit flys like bananas.