The game looks and controls different from any mario game but it still has the same old feel.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Everyone remembers the first time they picked up a controller and played Mario. If you a fan of the series once you pick up the wii mote and start playing you will get that same burst of excitement from the first time you picked up a control to play a Mario game. The graphics are not anything like the ps3 or xbox360 but for the Wii it looks sensational. After all Nintendo has proven that it isn't about the graphics it is about the game play. Mario Galaxy offers that by the use of the Wii remote. By shooting the crystals you get by picking them up from exploding Goombas to running around in flowers. Also the shaking of the Wii remote to allow a spin attack or shooting to other small "planets". Since my brother and I just bought the game we decide to check out the 2 player feature. It is pretty helpful in collecting thing and stunning enemies and boulders. However the second player can make Mario jump allowing the second player to piss off who ever is playing. Which really is the only decide side to the game. Although they don't have voice acting in the game it really isn't a big deal because you don't have to read huge chunks like you might have experienced in Final Fantasy 7. All this game is worth it and is one if not the best game out for the Wii up to date.