This game is a 9.9999999999 game. But I can not give that sc so I rounded down. Best platformer since banjo kazooie

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Sound: orchestraltastic.
Graphics: Eye candylicious.
Gameplay: Outstanding.
Story: Who cares! It is a platformer.

This game is so close to perfect it is hard to say what is bad about it. There are some complants to be sure.
One the camera is amazing 95 percent of the time. but the other5 percent of the time it just goes the total wrong way. This can be corrected a lot of the time by pressing left or right on the d pad to turn the camera or the c button and centering the camera behind your character but sometimes the c button centers the camera infront of your character. I am not sure why this is done but even if it is not a design flaw it is annoying at best. The problem comes when you can not center the camera or turn the camera at all. Being that this problem only comes up a few times in the game it is not a major flaw but it is still there.
The only other problem with this game is the story. Because they need to just throw it out for the most part. I really don't need it explained why mario is in space. It is a super mario game? The guy eats mushrooms and gains lives, shoots fire out of his hand and can jump higher than an olympian... And for a plumber i have only seen him do plumbing in 2 games? So why do I even need any explination of him all the sudden being in space and able to breathe ect?
The cinimatics are a vast improvent over sunshines but are still totally uneven just get me into the game because that is where this title really shines!
It took me about 35 hours to collect all the stars, unlock luigi and get the final ending. That is pretty good for a platformer! The best part about it is I am still playing the game is I still want to go back and play some of my favorite levels.
Many of the levels it is just fun to goof around with the gravity. On one of the early levels you will enconter a planet that is shaped like a hallow five point star. I suggest jumping off this star from all different directions and watching as the gravity pulles Mario around in all kinds of ways until he finally lands back on the star.
Just playing with the gravity was fun. I wasted a lot of time with "hmmm I wonder what would happen if I long jump off the planet right there" moments.
This is a platform lovers dream come true and good for casuals to. The first 50 or so stars are really easy to attain. After that some of the challanges and jumps that have to be made require perfect and precise timing that hardcore gamers from old will die for. You have to constantly plan ahead calculating your next jump before you have even landed your last one.
There is no gamer out there that will don't die in this game. Some of the challenges are so hard that you are going to die during this game. it has been one of my complaints of the wii's cataloge, i never died during metriod prime 3 or zelda twillight princes. And while dying as a gamer is the worst thing it gives you that "oh yeah! i am a gaming god" feeling when you do beat the obstical. So for ever time I died missing a jump saying, "what is myimoto on drugs again, this is level is just annoyingly hard" the next moment when I conquered the level I would be saying, "man I can't wait to try that level again."
So platform lovers crank up your wii's! this is the best platformer since banjoe kazooie!