Main thing that could make this game better is if the star count was 128

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
This has been said every since it was released by many people but you know what it needs to be said again. Super Mario galaxy is so fantastic it is nearly unbelievable. This game is the true successor to Mario 64 not just because it is the next Mario game no, much like Mario 64 was a complete breakthrough for 3d gaming and platforming Mario Galaxy does the same especially on a console just begging to have a real game rather than mini game compilation.

Graphics in Super Mario Galaxy are gorgeous! Mario has never looked so good and although its not the mushroom kingdom that we see in this adventure for Mario it doesn't matter. This game has a lot of detail on the graphics to make this art style not only make these believable looking worlds and effects but to give this game a look that is very very special. There are so many things that these galaxies have that make them completely unique from each other but it sets it up for some amazing moments.

Gameplay is what Mario games always have and this is no let down. In Mario 64 there were some camera problems because that was the first game to do what it did, when you go back and play that now its still a fantastic game but you can tell the camera was trouble at times. The way Mario Galaxy was set up i believe from the original idea completely fixed any possible camera issues. The viewpoints used on the smaller planets and even the bigger ones just work so well only occasionally you might wish you could see something a bit different or change it a bit but thats not often.

Controls work very well in Mario. Nintendo didn't make the motion or the pointing capabilities of the wiimote just a cheap trick. You use the pointer on the screen at all times you use it to gather star bits which is used as the game's currency for unlocking some extra galaxies and in some levels for power ups. You can also use the pointer to shoot those star bits to stun enemies if needed. Everything else is handled like a mario game, you can move, you can jump, while moving doing 3 jumps in a sequence to jump higher, you can wall jump, hold down z to duck down and hold z and hit jump while moving for the long jump. This time to attack you just shake the wiimote which is very responsive you will never have the motion controls feel like they don't respond.

Sound is really nice in this game. All of the sounds from the worlds you will visit sound like they should. The music is fantastic there is a mix of music from older mario games. I noticed a lot more music from Super Mario 3 that was remixed which is a good thing because its nice to be playing a Mario game and hear that for nostalgic value.

Overall this game is just utterly fantastic and if you own a Wii you owe yourself this game. There for a while i was tempted to sell my Wii because i hadn't played it in months. I bought Mario Galaxy and i now know why i bought a Wii in the first place. If Nintendo can keep this up, and 3rd party developers can see this true gem of a game and take notes from it the Wii has an extremely bright future ahead of it.