Nintendo has taken the Mario 64 formula and stretched beyond imagining. It's the best Wii game ever!!!

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
This is a review of Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii
Now Super Mario 64 was released back in 1996 and recieved extremely positive feedback. Soon it was followed with Sunshine. Then in 2007, Mario Galaxy released in stores worldwide and did it hold up well compared to it's predeccesors? Of course it did! Now let me tell you why.

The Story is when Peach invites Mario to the Star Festival to celebrate a comet that happens once every century. Suddenly, Bowser crashes the party and says that he's gonna create his own galaxy. Then what he does next (Seriously, take a real wild guess!) is (thats right) kidnap Peach and Bowser's Spaceship lifts Peach's castle in the air and off into the far reaches of space. Mario then travels to space where he meets the beautiful Rosalina. She says that she can help Mario rescue Peach only if he can collect power stars (gives a simmilar resemblence to Mario 64 doesn't it?) to boost the power of the Observatory (Rosalina's spaceship). So Mario takes the challenge which takes him to the far reaches of space.

The Controls are a dream. You play using the Wii Mote-Nunchuck combo. You use the control stick to run, Z to crouch, A to jump and shake your Wii Mote for the spin attack. The controls are soo simple that even your parents will want to play as well!

The Graphics are phenomenal. It has the same cartoony Mario look which I like but each galaxy and the evironments themselves look incredible. The detail is great and the level design is varied and overall beautiful to look at and you can tell Nintendo put alot of effort into the graphics as well as the gameplay. Speaking of gameplay, lets talk about it shall we?

The Gameplay is where the game truly shines. It plays like Mario 64 and Sunshine rolled into one. There are 40 galaxies to explore and although they don't have much star challenges that Mario 64 had, each galaxy is totally different and thier variety makes up for this. Mario retains all of his moves from Mario 64 but he has one new addition to his self defence techniques. Mario has the spin attack which kinda replaces the puches from Mario 64 and the Fudd shots from Mario Sunshine. The Spin attack can be done by shaking the Wii Mote and it has many different uses. It can be used for defecting attacks, fixing screws and stunning enemies. The Camera could have been your worst enemy but it's actually not. It is perfect and there was only a few occasions that malfunctioned the camera. There are also weired gravitational changes that makes players wanna puke. One of my friends didn't like this feature. For me and my brother, it was plain awesome! The second player is a star pointer and you may think think that 2 player is lousy. Guess again. The second player can stun enemies, collect star bits and boost Mario's jump. Speaking of star bits, they are everywhere! You can collect star bits by pointing your Wii cursor at them. You can fire star bits by pressing the B button. This can stun enemies but the real purpose of them is feeding hungry lumas. If you feed a hungry Luma enough star bits, they can transform into portals for different locations and Galaxies. There are 120 stars in total in the game and if you collect enough of them, you get replay the story again but with Mario's companion and brother, Luigi! SWEET! All in All, awesome gameplay!

The music is like John Williams syle Star Wars music but with the Mario quirkiness to it. The voice acting is a little shallow but the oustanding voice acting from Charles Martinet makes up for this. The SFX are lively and get the job done!

There is only one downside I can think off. Now what was it? Ohhh Yeah. WHY DOES PEACH HAVE TO GET KIDNAPPED! AGAIN! In the main game, why can't Peach be playable. She can solve challenges in galaxies as well as Mario can and team alongside him! Ahh Well. At least Nintendo did give us a masterpiece. Onto verdict now!

Super Mario Galaxy is an example of godly awesomeness. I'am absolutely serious and you can get it in "Game" for resonable price! Let's overview the facts shall we?

The Good: Incredible graphics, 40 galaxies to explore which is alot, replaying in Luigi Galaxy mode after completing the main game is brilliant, 120 stars to collect, observatory is huge, Star Wars with Mario quirkiness music is awesome, challenges are diverse, replay value is outsanding

The Bad: Peach getting kidnapped by Bowser is getting old!

The Ugly: No ugly points here