I can't beleive I only played this game for and hour and I am giving it a prefect ten. But it has good gameplay.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Usually it takes me a while to get into enough to actually like some games, I played this game for an hour (only actually moving Mario for about 15 minutes!) Miamoto-san has been more involved in this games development than any previous 3-D Mario adventure which has resulted in a game that could even challenge the legendary Mario 64.

While lots of people say that Wii is a revolutionary system (which it is) some will say that it isn't very good because it doesn't have those same amazing graphics as say, PS3. This game finally proves all of these people wrong. It's high-resolution, high quality graphics put other game developers to shame. Think soaring through a beautiful, yet vast, galaxy, while you haven't even landed on a large planet or tiny planetiod yet. When you do land on one, you are swept into a unepectedly crazily good looking planet that no earlier nintendo system could generate onto that same screen that earlier systems generated stuff onto.

When Miamoto-San released the original Super Mario Bros. on the NES, players were floored with how well the formula worked. But, after many years of the same kind of platforming, they started to have to add in little extra things to keep the formula fresh. Mario galaxy is almost like a blast from the past without really needing much to keep the formula fresh. It is pretty much a new definition of 3-D platforming. Jumping, running, and beaming yourself from planet to planet feels as natural as its original.

If there was anything in this game I would say I didn't expect would ever come to the Mario series would be a co-op mode. It's a great little drop in-drop out mode where no one can say "What the heck! You just got us both killed!" and ruin those little friendships. Anyway, when one person is playing and say, their little sister come downstairs, wanting to play, she can simply connect a wiimote and play as a second star cursor on the screen, collecting and firing star bits, and helping the other person trying to save princess peach for the billionth time in a row.

In the hour I have played this game, I think I saw one of the best platformers on the Wii. I can't wait to play more of it. This platforming sesation is not to be missed.