This game is amazing and is filled with a lot of seamless gameplay!
WOW! This game was just great. You could play it without having any problem like wondering what to do or be confused yet the game still makes you swearing to the end and that difficulty is always there.
Graphics – Graphics wise this game is awesome I mean it's not PS3 standards but it's definitely compared to Metroid Prime 3 and for a Wii game it has great graphics. I'd give it about a 9.9 if it was for the 360 or something then I would give it a 8 so it's still to next gen standards.
Gameplay – The gameplay is just awesome. I was just incredibly amazed of how good it felt to play as Mario; I felt that the controls were better than Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess. They were definitely better then Mario sunshine it just felt good, it would have a definite 10 for the gameplay.
Value – The value of this game is a 10.It is definitely worth the 50 bucks for the amount of gameplay you get it ranges to about 15 hours of gameplay and if you do everything you can do in the game then you can get up to 25 hours of gameplay and it's so seamless that you can just keep replaying this game forever.
Sound – Sound, good! The sound for this game is pretty awesome. The sound you get from the Wii remote is really good and the sound from the screen are good but the reason that it kind of lacks is because you have to read the text and it kind of sucks. It's about a 9 not really to next gen standards.
Overall this game is awesome definitely worth fifty bucks and if you remember Mario 64 as a game that was a childish game don't let that thought disrupt the quality of this game and prevent you from buying this game great buy should buy it right away. I would give it something like a 9.8 but gamespot won't let me so it's at a 10.