The greatest entry in the Super Mario series and one of the most incredible gaming experiences ever

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine were incredible games that really showed off the power of the consoles they were released for. Mario 64 introduced the italian plumber to the third dimension while Sunshine blew us away with it's unique and immersive gameplay. So how do you top that?? Well, Nintendo did just that! Galaxy is easily the best Mario game ever made, with beautiful graphics, great control, a wonderful soundtrack, fantastic level design and enjoyable boss battles. You have to get this game if you own a Wii..just trust me on that one -MINOR SPOILER-

The final battle with Bowser is one of the most epic boss battles of our generation in my opinion. The music for the battle and the way it plays out almost makes it seem like this is the FINAL battle they will ever have. As if every Mario game before it was just building up to this moment