Addicting gameplay and beautiful graphics make this mario adventure an instant classic.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
When I first played Super Mario Galaxy all I could think was "wow!" The graphics are damn close to the best I've ever scene on the Nintendo Wii and they set a great example on what it can do. The lighting effects, OH GOD! I love them..

The Boss battles are as classic as its predecessors, which is a good thing because you'll encounter many of them, and the dynamite controls make them all the better, Especially in the Bowser battles.

The soundtrack will actually engage you and set the mood in pretty much all of the galaxies you encounter.

As if things couldn't get any better, their are little side galaxies that include mini-games that make great usage of the wii-remotes superior controls. Sunch as tilting the remote to roll a ball Mario is standing on, or going eel surfing....

Overall, Super Mario Galaxies is a great experience that any gamer should not miss out on, go get yours today!!!