An amazing bit of Nintendo gold.
Yes, Super Mario Galaxy is an absolutely fantastic game. It's really a must-have for any Nintendo fan. Almost every bit of the game seems to have been absolutely perfected by Nintendo.
The first thought that came to my mind when I fired up Galaxy was, "Hot damn, look at those graphics!" Really, this is probably the best game graphically available for the Wii. It seems that Nintendo knows how to get the best out of their little console that could.
The game play is just like every other Mario game you've ever played, but not in a bad way. Control is good, and the Wiimote's unique features are implemented nicely.
The only true complaint I have with Galaxy is that there's simply not enough of it. The main story can be beaten in under 10 hours by most. However, it will probably take more than twice or three times that long for a veteran to complete the game 100%.
So, pick up a copy of Galaxy (if you can find one), and I guarantee you'll be in for an intense, if not somewhat short, ride.