super mario galaxy is truly perfect. believe the hype :)

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
I got this game for christmas with a wii like a ton of people. I had been anticipating this game since a bit before it came out, and it was part of the reason I wanted a wii. Watching videos I was astounded by the graphics, the look... the whole "man, that game looks fun" feel.

It was just like I expected it to be and then some. The controls, graphics, the usual fun platforming elements with a new twist going upside down, sideways, and what not on the planets. The music was excellent, the good egg galaxy theme has even stuck in my head (though not quite on the same level as the yoshi's island theme or SM64 castle theme). But there are also old mario tunes mixed in, I was delighted to hear the old SMB3 tune and the intense bowser level music from SM64. The bowser battles also had an epic feel to them, great music.

The only negative thing about this game for some people is the fact it is too linear. Basically, the paths are pretty straightforward. You can still mess around in the different galaxies though, and it is a blast.

If you own and a wii and you don't own this game, then for the love of all that is good, GET SUPER MARIO GALAXY.