Another amazing super mario game!!

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
This game is just another amazing super mario game. I haven't finished it yet, but so far, one of the best mario games out there. I won't say it's the best, because I'm a huge fan of super mario 64. But this one is just flat-out amazing.

The point of the game is that Peach gets captured (like always) by bowser and Mario is trying to get to bowser to get peach and has to save her by going through all these different Galaxys and getting stars until he gets to bowser. Along the way in your mission you can use launch stars that will get you to places that you can't go to, you will find little things called star bits that will by attacking your enemie and feeding other stars, and you'll find things like bigger pirahnas or big robot looking things that are sort of like fighting a bowser. There is a lot to the game, but pretty easy if you get the hang of it.

If you have ever played Super Mario 64, the point of the game is a lot like that. like that. The game gets tough for the more advanced gamers but there are easy parts too for the not-so-advanced gamers. Everything to this game is awesome. The galaxys are really fun. The graphics are outstanding. It also has a nice use of the Wii mote. The controlls are sweet.

If you have the Wii, you totally should get this game. You won't be dissappointed.