Trippy and Flippy!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
Gameplay: This has to have some of the most diverse game play I've ever seen, it's so enjoyable, and hard to stop playing! It will make you mind spend having mario turn upside by jumping onto a dfferent platform, flying through galaxies by little stars, eating psychedelic mushrooms and gaining extra lives and putting you on adrenaline so it's harder for you to die. Basically it's Awesome, and it's hard to get bored in this galaxy.

Graphics: One of the best looking mario games ever seen, of course it would be because it's on the wii, it looks quite like if mario were brought to the ps2.

Controls: It uses most of the Wii's Controls, flicking the controller to spin and etc. but the control layout is nice. the controls will go backwards however at some points when mario goes upside down but other that they are excellent.