Possibly the greatest the mario game yet!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
This game was awsome. Really cool. I think its best so far in the mario series. But if you played super Mario64 and this one then you would probobly think that they both have similarities. For example they both have the same concept where your in a big place that has different other places that seperates into different levels. Sorry for being confusing. But in both games you collect stars in each different level. Mario has to collect 121 stars in each game to complete each game. Heres something different though in Galaxy after you collect 120 stars with mario, you get to be Luigi. And after you complete 120 stars with Luigi you go back to mushroom kingdom and collect the last star with each character. So basically in Galaxy you have to collect 121 stars 2 times. Thats a lot of friggin stars. By the way all the levels are fun so I bet some people look foward to do them the second time. Instead of Peach's castle yer on a huge ship that holds observatories that take you to a lot of different galaxies. All of the living stars are called lumas who cherish star bits which is there food. All lumas transform into something oneday. But sometimes there is hungry lumas that need star bits to transform into something good like galaxies outside of the observatories(Red luma) or a mushroom for mario(Blue luma). And some hungry lumas transform into secret planets in galaxies(still red). Regular lumas come in a variety of colors. When you first play.......the first 4 obsevatories have all easy stars to get but the galaxies get harder and harder and the stars get harder to get. Some galaxies you will have to come back to bacause you haven't unlocked the mission yet. There is also prankstar comets that do something to a galaxy on a certain mission and if you complete the mission with the comet in effect you get a star. Prankstar comets can do the following to galaxies: make it so you have to race with your shadow(mario or luigi), give you a time limit on completing a mission on a galaxy, and theres a lot of other things they do. A LOT. Another hungry luma is near the first observatory . If you feed it the right amount of star bits it will move the comets to different galaxies. So in conclusion you can tell this is a good game just by reading this review. If you like the review.