A lot of breath-taking moments. Clearly this game is another Ocarina Of Time for the Wii and Nintendo!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Galaxy WII
A game can be a great game, but let's face it, it still is a game. Super Mario Galaxy has moments where you totally get into the game and feel better and richer for the experience. For example, the part in Battlerock Galaxy where you speed through space while watching an explosion while being surrounded by star bits (actually everytime i'm careening through space i feel that). Super Mario Galaxy takes you, at first to a lot of spacey type galaxies, but then starts going to a variety of galaxies like, ocean, fire, snow, and desert galaxies. And with the new abilites as well as the old ones, the player can get a sense that while they're already satisfied with the current gameplay, they know that they will eventually get better abilities and better enviroments to use them in. The boss battles are very good, despite the fact that a great deal of them are shallow and without much fight in them. But the boss battles accurately set the mood with climatic boss music. The game also has the same story really, except it did have a shocking twist at the end when all the Lumas jumped in the black hole. Also it had a lot of character revealance in Rosalina. All-in-all it was an enjoyable game!