One of the best Mario games ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES
A fantastic Mario game for the Super Nintendo. You are Mario and you are on a quest to get back the seven stars pieces that Smithy, the main bad guy, has. The star pieces make up the star road. It has surprisingly good graphics for so long ago with many worlds/levels/places to go to that look great. The battle system is good and there are no random battles. There are many special moves for the main characters(Mario meets other characters that join him later) that use star points. The bosses are all excellent. The plot is fantastic with many twists and turns. The diversity of every character makes the game more fun. The game also takes a long time(it is an RPG) so you have many hours of fun and is superb even on the second or more playthroughs. This game is one of the first RPG masterpieces that will rival the greatest of them.