I'm not that big of an RPG fan so a first look at it on the VC, I thought of all the reviews I read that says: "The Best Mario Game EVER!!!" but, it's not that, not that at all. I think that Square Enix (the people behind the excellent Kingdom Hearts games) was trying to convert non-RPG players to RPG players by adding a character that the most casual gamer would recognize but it has a feel that ISN'T Mario. It feels like Final Fanasty more so than Mario.
Why am I being so critical of it? First off the battle system is EXTREMELY flawed, with most battles if you run away you'll miss some experience points. And there are too little enemies before the first big boss to really just fight 3/4 of the enemies.
So Legend of the Seven Stars is basically an RPG... with Mario character in it!
Other Helpful Reviews for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
:Good Idea: ยท First off, this is one of the best role-playing games ever to be released by SquareSoft. Although it's not as deep as the Final Fantasy series, it defiantly holds it's own as being a near-perfect role-play... Read Full Review
I just finished the game and frankly, if I had of died on the last boss I would not have redone it; the fighting was that tedious for me. Let me start out by saying that the music and sound of the game was good; it never... Read Full Review