Just plain great the characters the stars the trials my favorite part is the items and weapons to use in the game
i just wanted to play this so badly one day i saw that the game was available on the wii i got the game for virtual console the minute i started the game i just would't stop i would even move the wii room to room at night so my parents would not be mad
i kept looking on the internet for witch item should he have or something like that i am all the way to the end i am at the point with 83 flower points and to the final fight i have thought of fighting the special boss but no ( for you who have not played this game i am not ruining your fun)
i have the best weapons best armor ( who nobody but me knows) and of course the best stats
of all the Mario games in the world ( with a scale from 1 to 100 )
this game is a 140
you should definitely get this game