Nothing too special, but fun none the less.
Well, gameplay wise nothing too hard or difficult. There is a tutorial in the game if you find it too overwhelming. The game sports two modes. There is the normal pick up game mode where you and up to three other friends can go at it or there is the cup mode. The battle for the cup mode is exactly how it sounds, you go through a tournment to win what ever got you are on. There are a total of 4 cups the normal, mushroom, flower, and so on. By beating the cups you unluck new arenas to play in and a new character.
Of course this is a Mario sports game so that means that it has the crazy whack out Mario type weapons. As you are checking your opponent into the ground you earn power ups. Thesse are the same power ups that you have seen in other Mario games. You have the simple bananna peels to throw out, to the red seeker shells that go after your opponents. This adds to the crazy and fun that is already going on.
The game sports the traditional Mario characters. You can choose between 9 characters, one is locked from the begining. Everyone between Mario to Donkey Kong, they are all there. Each team captain has there own special abilities that they flaunt. For example Mario is your all around good guy, he has speed and can kick really well. Then on the other hand you have Donkey Kong not too fast, but as you guessed it he is very powerful. These are your team captian and then to fill the other fours spots are your team you choose sidekicks. There are four choices here, from todds, to the hammer bro. guys.
The problem with this game really lies in the A.I. The A.I. at some points can become eagerly frustrating. There are up to four difficulties that you can choose from, but the problem lies in the fact that this game gives the player a lot of cheap shots. You will find yourself wondering at times how the hell the computer is pulling of these goals. It seems that this game cannot find a balanced spot as to where it wants to be. It is either way too easy or just way too damn frustrating.
Just the same as any other Mario sports game on the gamecube. It looks alright it is not great, but it isn't very terrible either. The Characters them self look really well along with the sidekicks. The audience is a throwback to paper mario, as in they are paperline. Really the areans offer no varience other than they look diffeerent then the last one, there is nothing special between all of the arenas in the game. The areans are the worst part in the game, just becuase they are very plain and dull.
The sound is very medicore. The characters voices are very well done, but get old quick they don't have more then one pharase they say a piece. This goes the same with the sidekicks. There is only really music playing the the menu screens not while you are playing which I found very dissappointing. I would have love to been playing in the palace, hearing the old school Mario theme.
You can easily get through this game in a few hours, it really depends on the time limit and the difficulity. The game really shines through in multiplayer just becuase it is so dang fun. I find myself only playing this game when I have a few friends over, because this game by yourself is no fun at all. This is one of the Mario sports game where I didn't feel that they didn't Mario it up enough. Heck if it wasn't for Mario and his allstars in the game it could have passed up as sequel to Sega Soccer Slam. But don't get me wrong this game can be fun....with friends. If you are looking for a party game to play when you have friends hanging over this is a good one to get. Just don't expect to get too much out of the single player.