The fourth best game I've ever played.
Game play: 10/10 The controls are magnificent! The boss's can be quite challenging! It’s one of those games that you can play over and over again without getting bored! What’s more to say, Nintendo out-did themselves with this one.
The animations on this game are hard to beat for its time. The water when it is being sprayed looks fantastic! The boss and the enemies look so great that you think you're part of the action! The maps are stupendous! If you don't like the graphics, you can't be pleased.
Sound: 8/10
The worst thing in the game, and it's still awesome! The music is very appropriate! The only problem is that the boss music is ok for some but bad at a couple (last boss etc.). Sometimes you can't even hear the music!
To make this sort, it's worth every penny
And that pretty much does it! see you soon!