It's a shame people look past the quality of this title by trying to compare it to Mario 64.

User Rating: 9.2 | Super Mario Sunshine GC
In all aspects, Mario Sunshine might just look like an extremely good looking update to Mario 64, but what most people will easily miss is that the game-play style offers a great update to the Mario 64 franchise.

Mario Sunshine is a great title, no matter how you look at it, only those who stopped after completing its story will come away empty handed. It's just so amazing when you find that extra little secret that gets you further to your ultimate goal; finding all the shine sprites. Mario Sunshine will greatly tempt you to use a strategy guide, though it's much more satisfying when you reach that last blue coin, ending your long hours of trying every single thing your mind could possibly think of (trust me, if you do find them all, you'll have exhausted your ideas for finding blue coins and sprites).

Most people think Mario Sunshine plays exactly like Mario 64, but actually, the control in Mario Sunshine and the amount of moves Mario has, has surpassed Mario 64 by leaps and bounds, which is a good thing considering the camera messes up just as much as Mario 64. Myiamoto did a fantastic job at making sure that FLUDD (your water pack), is used often and in many ways. Not to mention adding great effects, just like all liquid effects in Mario Sunshine, including muck, paint, and water. Mario Sunshine's overall sound is almost identical to Mario 64, with a hint of better quality, and a few more nicely put together Mario styled songs.

It's simply this, if you’re just looking for a casual play through Mario Sunshine, your bound to miss many of its charming qualities that only shine through when searching into its vast collection of secrets.