The Worst Game Of All Time, & the Biggest Dissapointment in the History Of Video Games.
User Rating: 1 | Super Mario Sunshine GC
Just thinking of this so called game is enough to make me throw up. Of of my favorite games of all time is Super Mario 64, and Sunshine is supposed to be it's sequel. We all have heard about sequels being disappointing compaired to their predecessor's and it doesn't get any worse than this. First off, we all know great graphics do not make a great game but Super Mario 64 had state of the art graphics when it was released, while Sunshine has mediocre graphics at the best. Super Mario 64 had a really diverse level selection, ranging from snow levels to lava levels but sunshine, as you can tell just by looking at the cover of the games box it takes place in a tropical beach setting and stays there for pretty much the entire game. As far as the controls go most of the movements, the important ones anyway revolve around a stupid squrit gun gimmick on Marios back and there are serious camera problems. I'd give this game a Zero, it doesn't even deserve a 1. This is The Worst Game Of All Time.