Overrated? Underrated, more-or-less. Even Gamespot says in posh 'THIS GAME SUCKS!' I toatally love it!
Did you know?: Did you know, I love this game soooo much I made my 2 favorite songs it my Text and ring tones!
Mario, Peach, Toadsworth and a selection of toads, travel to Isle Delfino to have a relaxing vacation.
They have a crash at the runway due to a 'Piranha Plant in the Generator', Mario defeats it and is able to collect the first 'Shine Sprite'.
Later on, at Defino Plaza, there is yet another Piranha Plant in the Generator, the red hatted man defeats it. The town statue rises upwards with Shadow Mario Sitting upon it.
Mario chases Shadow Mario around, whilst squirting him with water, he gives in, then runs back towards the statue. He gets there and draws a 'M' and jumps into it, Mario follows, and ends up in Bianco Hills.
At Bianco Hills, Mario defeats another Piranha Plant in the Generator, and the hill rises up.
After Mario beats Mission 2 , a cutscene shows that house at the very far east has sunken, and there is yet another Piranha Plant in the Generator!
Please research to find out the complete story- Thank you!
My views:
I toatally love it, despite what people say.
People: "We need Crouch!", how could you crouch with FLUDD on your back? Why do you need to crouch anyway? I cannot think of one time where you desperately needed to crouch!
Why would you play this game, if you hate it? I know! Just to criticize this game in 10 different ways!
Loving the jumping! Loving the Nozzles! Could of maybe added 1 or 2 more, but still! :)
Great game, highly disliked by people, (cannot disagree more), very much recommend it!
If you can't decide to buy This, or Super Mario Galaxy. Go for this, you don't want your head stuffed with star-bits thinking Super Mario Galaxy is a proper 3-D platformer!