my top mario game ever

User Rating: 7.8 | Super Mario Sunshine GC
my top mario game is this i cant see how it make it better thats not true the sond can get so anoing it has a great replay value and the watter grffics are incedabual to behold the littal voce acting that is in this game is ok for the ferst two howers but after that it gives you brane cacer but this is sond that is the problem you can just tern it off the levals are just hard enugh to keep you entertand and have the mario sileynes that gives it its tade mark the town plazza is a fun place to hang when tired of wahsing up the iland but a lot of thing make me sick like mario cant stay out of tubal ok lets say that in mario an this is a clasic day monday la la it a wonderful doy im going to shop with my gerl oh no a dragon tertal high breed has kidnapped her quick thow the vegeys at bowser he hates vegeys yay i win agane (next day)
time to visit my gerl kidnpped agane ok **** cant she just put up a wonted poster if you see a dragon tertal pleze call 911 run fast this cant be all there is to this semi retard of a pumer the begining to mario 64 ds is hi mario come have food then mario worio and luegy come and get locked in rooms then yoshey saves mario by killing some boss mario kills some boss geting woreo who useis his fat fat self to opon a place to get luegy the beat boser you win