User Rating: 10 | Super Mario World: Super Mario Bros. 4 SNES
great its hard at times but probley the best mario game ever made i mean mario has gone down ever since the 2d side scroller games stoped(but i still love them) any way gameplay is the original mario style its imposssible not to give it the best grahpics are oldie graphics you have to give that 10 too
sound ahhhhh the old game music classic
value well the value now is over 10 cant git this game any more so ......unspeakable my tilt? well i love it! da bestest! i wish i could play it all thou well i hope mario will ever live up to his hype again who knows? maybe one day they will make another a 3d one but i dont think that will be possible but who knows? mario galaxy might make it but i doubt it well never know but this is a full 10 a great game but hey its-a mario game!