Super Mario World is the best 2-D platformer EVER with clever level design and loads of secret areas!!!
Now Super Mario World was originally the launch game (or bundled game) for the SNES. It achieved high critical success because of it's revolutionary graphics, robust gameplay and tons of replayability. Now it has been re-released for the GBA as a remake. So does it prove as good as the original was? Well, we're gonna find out!
The Story is when Mario, Luigi and Peach take a vacation in Dinosaur Land. When Luigi discovers a cape feather and hands it over to Mario. The dynamic duo then experiment with the capes and eventually have blast flying......that is until they returned. They find out that Peach has been kidnapped AGAIN!! by Bowser. So now Mario and Luigi begin their biggest quest ever as they search for the Princess.
The Controls are really sharp and responsive! To move, use the directional pad, press A to Jump, B to dash (fire fireballs if you have a fire flower), R to spin jump and Select to drop secondary items. So there you have it: Incredibly easy to grasp controls and they are really tight, allowing you to control your character with ease!
The Graphics are easily the best visuals I've ever seen in a Mario game, even better than Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 combined! They look detailed and smooth for a 16 bit game and the environments themselves are extremely detailed and varied from grassy lands to mushroom tops. But the game's biggest strength in Visuals department, is how the character models look. Never in my life have I seen such beautiful character models in a game. They are crisp, smooth and Sharp but the main attraction is Mario Sprite. It just looks sooo good that you wanna squeeze it silly and don't worry: the Luigi model looks good too! I know graphics are my least concern for games but.......Wow!! Phenomenal Graphics!
The Gameplay is robust and satisfying as hell!! You play as Mario and Luigi and you have to run to the goal avoiding Bowser's cronies and henchman. However, unlike other Mario games, this particular title is extremely non linear. There are lot's of secret goals to find and loads of levels to visit. Getting to each world is set in a map simmilar to 2-D Mario games, and I like this feature. There are also some new features into the game. Yoshi makes his debut and he's a useful ally to say the least. He can swallow enemies and pulverize enemies when he jumps on them. Also, Yoshi has different powerups when he swallows shells. If you swallow a red shell, Yoshi can breath fire. If Yoshi swallows a puple shell, he will fly for a brief period of time! Yoshi is actually a good addition as it makes the game a lot easier!. One thing I noticed is that this game is a lot easier than Super Mario Bros 3! But there some evil levels like the Ghost Houses and some the fortress levels. The Level design is also incredible, everything from the jumping puzzles to the quick reflexes parts all look amazing! Also exclusive to this port is the ability to play as Luigi at will. It's a nice feature and as you noticed, Luigi jumps a lot higher that Mario but he has this crazy leg kick when he jumps much like Super Mario bros 2. Also new to this game is the cape feather which allows the player to fly as long as you want (as long as you have enough wind) and glide through the air. Good feature and damn useful powerup! (although the old powerups make an appearance!) New to the series is the ability to spin jump. After nabbing a Mushroom, the player can spin jump to bash blocks and reveal secret areas by just a touch of the right shoulder button. Really awesome new ability Mario and Luigi! Speaking of secret areas, there are literally tons of them. Everything from finding secret areas to finding different exits, all of them just ooooozing Awesome Sauce! (my mouth's getting spicy!) Not to mention the fact that it has a secret campaign mode that is accessed only after you find the hidden goals! Overall, EPIC EPIC EPIC gameplay!! (and now my mouth is on fire because I had too much Awesome Sauce!!!)
The Sound is really good. The Sountrack is memorable and catchier than velcro and the sound is pretty good. Once again the Voice acting from Charles Martinet reeks Awesome Sauce!! (AUUUUUUGH!!! My mouth's on fire!!)
The only two downsides I could think of this game is that why does Peach have get kidnapped? Message me the reason because I hardly see the connection! Also they could put a voice for Yoshi as well! Onto verdict now!
Super Mario World is a fantastic game and a solid entry to the Mario series! Let's overview the facts shall we?
The Good: Outstanding level design, phenomenal graphics, memorable soundtrack, voice acting is solid, cape feather is awesome, Luigi has his own attributes, enemies are varied, tons of replayability, tight controls, tons of secret areas, 96 hidden goals which is alot!!!
The Bad: Nintendo could have given Yoshi a voice, Peach kidnapped: Really?
The Ugly: If I game this game a 10/10 would I give it any ugly points? NO!!