Is it better than its prequel?
Princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser and for the fourth time Mario must save her. During his journey to Bowers castle, Mario must also defeat Bowser's siblings and rescue little Yoshi's. Nothing too special, but an excellent recipe for some good, ol' Mario platforming!
As always the controls are really good. You can jump, run, spin jump and hold and throw items in all directions. With power-ups you can also shoot fire and float in the air. Super Mario world is the first Mario-game that lets you use Yoshi. He can run somewhat faster, eat enemies and, if you find the right yoshi, he can fly, create earthquakes and much more!
The world is immense and it cost me hours to find and beat all the secrets of this game. In total there are 96 different levels (not counting Bowsers castle) and 8 worlds. Super Mario world might be a little easy at first but when you try to beat the secret world and find the secret levels, you might even get frustrated!
They still didn't create the multiplayer option of playing together! You play the level until you die and then the other player plays until he dies and you do this over and over again… (If Mickey's Circus Mystery could do it, why can't super Mario world?!?!) There is no coop mode and that's just a shame!
The graphics are very good (also taking into account that it's the first super Nintendo game), but not the best of the console. It is light and colorful, just what you expect from a Mario game. The environment and the enemies look really funny and cool (the hills have eyes) and you could just spent hours looking for cool details on them!
The music is awesome! Catchy with nice sound-effects, but not too lame and repetitive. The Mario themes are upgraded from the last game.
And that's what this game is. An upgraded version of super Mario bros 3 with different levels. The gameplay and the story haven't changed much, but the music and graphics are better! I believe it's the best of the Mario series and if you own a Wii or a Super Nintendo it's a must have.
Gameplay: 10/10 – Fully completing this game will take days and you'll never get bored of it!
Controls: 10/10 – It works perfectly!
Graphics: 9,5/10 – One of the best, but not the best!
Music: 10/10 – Catchy without being repetitive!
Multiplayer: 6/10 – You can't play together…
Overall: 8.5/10 – BUY IT!!!
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